Sunday, June 28, 2009

How Would Your Life Be Different if We Had National Healthcare?

A provocative article ran recently in the pages of AlterNet regarding the writer's experience living in Canada for a while. Her five years in Canada were a real eye-opener in how a healthcare system could work, sparing people the economic drain of continual insurance and medical bills.

She wrote:

This was one of the things that struck me hardest when I arrived in Canada five years ago. The swamp-blindness was so dark and deep that it took a while to adjust to a world without alligators. It's almost impossible to describe to folks back home how different life is when health insurance simply doesn't factor at all into how you choose to live your life. There's almost no language for it. Rather than even attempt it, I sometimes just ask my American friends and relatives to open up their imaginations, and answer the question for themselves:

* How would your life be different if you never had to worry about getting, keeping, or affording health care again?
* What other choices might you have made?
* Where else would you be right now?
* How would it change your plans for the future?

You can read the whole article here at -- AlterNet is a wonderful website with many such interesting and provocative articles. I hope you like it.

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