Monday, August 24, 2009

Five Reasons You Need Health Insurance

by L.A.S.

I came across this list the other day and it is a good reminder of why people benefit from having some form of health insurance. With all the hoopla over Obama-care or public option or any of the other forms of health insurance, we may need to step back a second and remind ourselves why we need it.
Number One on the list is that having insurance improves your access to quality care. I am embarrassed to have to list this item. To me it is shameful that in the richest country on earth, you are looked at as if you were a bank robber if you walk into a clinic or hospital without insurance. But there it is. And don't tell me that anyone can get health care if they are willing to pay the price. I have been turned away from local providers (years ago) because the clinic was not accepting patients without insurance.
Number Two: You get better access to preventive care. This is a biggie for those with chronic conditions such as high blood pressure or diabetes, because good monitoring of your condition can keep you out of the hospital with serious complications! The flip side is that people are not getting access to information to help them stay healthy. The doctors are so rushed that he has no time to do much more than write another prescription. You have to pester the nurses or get to work digging up information from online, or from support groups, or from nutritionists, or from health food centers.
Number Three: It can keep you from facing financial ruin due to medical expenses. While some people still have to deal with financial hardship if their treatment is out of network or not covered, insurance is the best bet against losing one's home or savings.
Number Four: You pay a lower rate. The insurance plan negotiates a better rate for services, lab tests, and hospital beds under group coverage. The truth is, those without insurance usually are charged the top-gouge price.
Number Five: Peace of mind -- aka being able to sleep at night. It is hard enough to handle your health worries without also having the weight of the final bills on your mind. Just concentrate on getting well and let the providers and insurers handle the bills.

-- Best wishes to all

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