Monday, September 14, 2009

Getting Down to the Truth Behind Wild Claims that Reform Bill will Put Grannies to Death

This week my thanks go out to another writer in the blogging universe called Minnie Apolis. He or she writes a varied column and this past week had a great article about the truth behind those wild emails. You know, the ones that claim that Pres. Obama's healthcare reform bill will encourage suicide as a way to keep Medicare's costs in line.

The title says it all: The Truth About Page 425 of the Healthcare Reform Bill; NO, They are NOT Going to Put Granny to Death!

PLEASE go to this link --

and read, and then send out emails to your friends spreading the truth behind this unfounded and irresponsible claim about the healthcare reform bill.

From the article:
The rumor or rumors maintain that a House bill would require Medicare beneficiaries to have a class or review every five years “to decide how to end their lives sooner.”
These spurious emails always add that “They're going to push suicide to cut Medicare spending!” All these emails seem to point to page 425 as the source of their claims.

What is actually on page 425?
There is a page 425. That is about all that the emails have gotten correct.
It says that Medicare is required to pay doctors for consultations regarding advance care planning, which may include things like making a living will, appointing a health proxy (a medical power-of-attorney), or indicating a preference for hospice care if necessary.
Medicare would pay for these sessions a maximum of once every five years.
And why would any bill even mention such consultations?
Because as it is now, no one is paid for their time to talk to you about things that need to be said and done. You may get a few minutes with a nurse or a hospital patient-representative. You may get a few forms pushed at you. But there is no incentive for anyone to actually sit down with you and go through all the options you have and what they really mean if one day you cannot indicate what you want done.

Thanks, Minnie! Speak the truth, everyone!

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