Sunday, May 26, 2013

And where will all those doctors come from when ObamaCare kicks in, to treat all the new patients?


By now you know that I have been a supporter of the so-called Obama-Care plan, formally known as PAACA, for a long time now. I like the closing of the donut hole, the coverage of all children even those with pre-existing conditions, clamping down on Medicare fraud, and a lot more.

But there are the practical considerations of implementing this broad expansion of coverage to people who have rarely seen a doctor. Where will all the doctors come from to fill the increased demand for healthcare, for face time with a doc?

This is the silent, un-discussed question. It is NOT only Medicare patients who have problems finding a doc who will accept assignment. I refer to finding ANY physician who can fit you into his crowded schedule, once formerly uncovered people become potential or actual patients who need medical attention.

Are we just sending a whole new batch of people to the emergency rooms?

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