Thursday, April 1, 2010

Keeping Up With Wendell Potter's Bulletins From the Front

by LAS

Please see the latest column from Wendell Potter, the insurance industry whistle-blower, on the pages of PR Watch, a watchdog and consumer service at PR Watch dot org. Potter discusses what provisions of the new healthcare reform bill are worrying insurance industry execs and why, and how they hope to pull the teeth from the new law. Take for example the Medical Loss Ratio (aka MLR).

To quote Mr. Potter: The insurance industry tried unsuccessfully to strip the minimum medical-loss ratio provision from the bill. It wanted to have the freedom to keep spending less and less on medical care because every dollar not paid out in claims is a dollar that can be used instead to increase profits and to pay CEOs millions of dollars every year. Having lost the battle on Capitol Hill, the insurers are now turning their attention to the NAIC, which Congress gave the responsibility of determining the nitty-gritty details of how insurers will have to comply with the law.

Rest assured that the insurers will be pulling out all the stops to persuade the insurance commissioners to make it easy for them to meet the requirements of the new law by manipulating the definition of medical care. One of the things insurers will try to do, for example, is to get the NAIC to let them shift a lot of what insurers now count as administrative expenses into their medical expense category. If that happens, the insurers will look like they're suddenly spending more on medical care without changing anything at all.

The devil is ever in the details. And if you let the devil define all the terms of the law's provisions, then the industry will have gutted the law without seeming to have lifted a finger to do so.

So keep an eye peeled for shifty little maneuvers like this. And more power to Mr. Potter. Read the last column of his at

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