Oz has been promoting the value of four basic medical tests for men
and women age 50 and over to catch the most serious health problems
A PSA test. Recommended on an annual basis for men age 50 and
over. You might get the test at age 50 just for a baseline reading,
but Dr. Oz still feels that annual testing provides essential
information for your healthcare provider.
Colonoscopy. Colon cancer is the third most common cancer in men.
Hearing test. Going to the audiologist is recommended especially
for men, who more often work with power tools, jackhammers, or in
noisy environments. Hearing loss affects about a third of adults over
age 65, and almost half of all men over 75. Tinnitus (ringing in the
ears) is also a reason to see your doctor.
Not a single medical test, but a head-to-toe skin check to catch
changes in moles or other abnormalities that can signal skin cancer.
Bone Scan-- Osteoporosis can lead to bone fractures particularly
in women past menopause. If you are identified as having a
bone-thinning disease, you may elect to take bisphosphonates to curb
further bone loss. Other approaches such as weight-bearing exercises
or dietary changes can also fend off further bone loss.
Colonoscopy-- Colon Cancer kills more women than ovarian, uterine
and cervical cancer combined. Testing can start at age 50, though you
only need to take it once every decade.
Mammogram-- A baseline test is suggested at age 40, then annual
tests after age 50. Your doctor may want annual tests earlier than
that if you have had any family history of breast cancer.
Pap Smear Test-- Annual testing is suggested for most women of
any age. You could elect to drop this test after age 65, though,
since one's risk drops off greatly after that if you have had mostly
clean screenings.
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